Meeting Overview

Chicago SfN 2014 Meeting


251 E. Huron Street, Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Click HERE for CSfN 2014 Full Program

Click Here for CSfN 2014 Schedule Overview



7:30-10:00 AM - Registration/Continental Breakfast - 3rd Floor

8:00-8:45 AM - Mentoring Panel & Breakfast - Room B

(with Keynote & Presidential Symposium speakers)
Moderator: Eric Norstrom, Ph.D. (DU) & Amy Herrold, Ph.D. (Hines)

8:00-8:45 AM - Poster & Vendor Display Set Up - Atrium, 3rd Floor

8:00-4:00 PM - Poster Viewing & Vendor Display - Atrium, 3rd Floor

All posters MUST be down by 4:00 PM.

9:00-9:15 AM - Special address: U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (IL) - Room A

Americans Cure Act: Innovation and Discovery by Investing in Breakthrough Biomedical Research
Chair: Michael Calik, Ph.D. (UIC)


Molecular & Therapeutic Advances in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Chair: Subhik DebBurman, Ph.D. (LFC)

Donald Cleveland, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego
Chair, Cellular and Molecular Medicine; Professor of Medicine, Neurosciences; & Member, Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research
"From Charcot to Lou Gehrig: Mechanisms and therapy in ALS and beyond"

Carla Shatz, Ph.D., Stanford University
Sapp Family Provostial Professor; Director, Bio-X; Professor of Biology and of Neurobiology
"Developmental Critical Periods & Alzheimer's Disease- can knowledge of one help cure the other?"

Harry Orr, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Director, Translational Neuroscience; Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
"SCA1: Linking Cellular Pathways to Therapeutic Interventions"

11:00-12:15 PM - KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Room A

Susan Lindquist, Ph.D.
Whitehead Institute/M.I.T. and H.H.M.I.
"From yeast cells to patient neurons: a powerful discovery platform for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease"

12:00-4:00 PM - Chicago Public Schools Teachers Workshop - Room B (12-1:30 PM) & Other Locations

Co-sponsored by NU Graduate Student Association
Lunch-&-Learn Seminar: 12-1:30 PM
Brain Pedagogy Activities : 1:30-4:00 PM

12:30-1:30 PM - Diversity in Careers: Themed Lunch Tables - Atrium, 3rd Floor

Neuroscientists in Careers of Teaching, Corporate, Government/Non-profit, and Administration/Law
Chair: Subhik DebBurman, Ph.D. (LFC) & Michael Calik, Ph.D. (UIC)

12:15-2:00 PM - Poster Competitions & Lunch Break - Atrium, 3rd Floor

Graduate Poster Competition - Chairs: Michelle Hastings, Ph.D. (RFU) & Hoky KIm, Ph.D. (RFUMS)
Postdoctoral Poster Competition - Chairs: Joel Voss, Ph.D. (NU) & Pascale Lacor, Ph.D. (NU)
Undergraduate Poster Competition - Chairs: Irina Calin-Jageman, Ph.D. (Dominican) & Naomi Wentworth, Ph.D. (LFC)

12:15-1:15 PM - Dr. Lindquist & Grad Student Symposium Participants Lunch - Room E

2:00-3:30 PM - Plenary Afternoon Symposium - Room A

Hot Topics in Neuroscience (Neural Circuits)
Moderator:Toni Pak, Ph.D. (LUC)
Graduate student members chose the panel of Chicago neuroscientists

Jon Grant, J.D., M.D., University of Chicago, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
“Targeting Neurocognition in the Treatment of Gambling Disorder”

Jason MacLean, Ph.D., University of Chicago, Department of Neurobiology
“Emergent properties of neural circuits:  observation and analysis of functional networks in sensory neocortex”

Tom Bozza, Ph.D., Northwestern University, Department of Neurobiology
“Genetic dissection of odor representations in the mouse”

Jhumku Kohtz, Ph.D., Lurie Children’s Research Center, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
“Evf2 lncRNA controls seizure susceptibility in mice”

Hans Breiter, M.D., Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

3:30-4:00 PM - Coffee Break - Atrium, 3rd Floor

Poster Viewing
Remove posters by 4:00 PM

4:10-5:45 PM - Graduate Student Symposium - Room A

Selected Graduate Student Talks from six Chicago area medical/graduate schools
Moderator: Monsheel Sodhi, Ph.D. (UIC)

6:00-7:00 PM - Business Meeting & Reception - Room A & Atrium, respectively
Announcement of awards, recognition and election results immediately followed by the "EtOH Receptor Binding Study" Social

Click HERE for a Meeting Overview Schedule for the Chicago Chapter SfN 2014 annual meeting.

Click HERE for a program flyer for the Chicago Chapter SfN 2014 annual meeting.