2025 Call for Abstracts and Poster Competition

Abstract Instructions:

  • Abstract Title (ARIAL 9, ALL CAPS, BOLD): Use upper case (capitals) in the abstract title (see example below).
  • Authors (Arial 8): List all authors who contributed to the work discussed in the abstract. The presenting author must be listed as the first author.
  • Affiliations (Arial 8 Italics): You must submit affiliation information for each author listed (see example below).
  • Abstract (Arial 9): Include the body of the abstract along with title, author, affiliations and support (see format of the example below). The body of your abstract should be no more than 2,300 characters, including punctuation (but not including spaces).
  • Support (Arial 9): Enter the source(s) of support for the research conducted within the body of the abstract. Grant numbers may be listed here (see example below).
    Use standard abbreviations. When using abbreviations for chemical compounds or other words or phrases, spell out in full for the first mention of the compound/word/phrase, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.


File Name:
Please name your abstract file using your last name. For example, Smith.doc or Smith.docx


Poster Instructions:
The poster maximum size is 48'' (W) x 48" (H).